Course by Stream - Physiotherapy 

In the advanced training course, rehabilitation professionals will deepen their understanding of work injury rehabilitation based on their professional background.

Each professional stream training is consisted of 51-hour studies including asynchronous online lectures and tutorials.

  • Professional instructors

  • 20 hours

    Video duration
  • 20 hours

    Corresponding stream - 20 hours

  • 7 Lessons

    Learning Outcome

    Participants are expected to understand the followings:

    • Challenges of managing work injury patients in corresponding rehabilitation professionals’ perspectives; and
    • Updated knowledge/skills for work rehabilitation


    • Physiotherapy Stream  
      • Physiotherapy Management for Common Work Injuries in Construction Site
      • Common Questionnaires for Work Rehabilitation
      • Job Demand Analysis
      • Pain Management and Assessment
      • Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation – Chronic Pain Behaviour Management
      • Functional / Work Capacity Evaluation
      • Ergonomic Assessment and Injury Prevention

    English and supplement with Cantonese

    Assessment, Attendance Requirement and Certificates:
    100% of attendance is required. 
    Attendance Certificate will be presented to students who pass the test.

    Other accreditations:
    CME / CPD accreditation for Medical Practitioners, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists (to be confirmed).

    Organizer / Co-organizer:
    CUHK Medical Centre / Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

    Course outline (Physiotherapy Stream ) 

    The 20 hours course (Physiotherapy Stream) is conducted in 6 lessons.

    The course materials are arranged in sequence. In order to proceeding to next session, it is required to complete 90% video duration time.
    For each quiz session, the pass grade is 80% and you can have unlimited attempts.


    Ms. Linda LAI

    Premier Medical Centre

    Prof. Grace SEZTO

    Professor and Programme Leader
    Tung Wah College

    Mr. WOO Alexander Chuen-hau

    CUHK Medical Centre

    Mr. Leo CT CHEUNG 

    Department Manager 
    Physiotherapy Department
    Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital